The last thing anyone would want is to undergo root canal therapy in Brandon. Not even painless root canal therapy. (It’s true. Modern root canal procedures are painless.) On this, your dentist in Brandon is on your side. They don’t want you to undergo root canal therapy either — unless it’s necessary. How do you know you need root canal therapy?
Root canal therapy in Brandon today
Today, root canal therapy is common, straightforward, and often painless. Root canal treatment doesn’t cause pain; it eliminates pain and removes serious tooth infection. It can even be performed without drills, vibrations, and even sounds. Root canal therapy has two goals: to eliminate tooth infection and to save teeth from preventable extractions.
What does root canal involve?
Root canal dentists in Brandon painlessly open your tooth to remove infected pulp (nerve tissue) and clean the inside of your tooth of any infected tissue and material. Your dentist in Brandon will then seal up your tooth to prevent reinfection. With diligent attention to after care, a well-timed root canal procedure can save your tooth and restore your full dental function after that infection-free tooth is fit with a permanent crown.
How to know you need root canal therapy
Unusual as it may seem, many serious dental conditions present no symptoms that you would notice or or be concerned about. That includes serious tooth infections that may require root canal therapy to resolve. This sneaky nature of these conditions is a significant reason that attending regular dental checkups is very important. Your dentist will notice tiny and gradual changes to your teeth and gums that may indicate the need for treatment long before you might — perhaps soon enough to eliminate even the need for root canal therapy.
If your sleep is suffering
Intense and throbbing pain beyond that of a mere toothache and that interferes with sleep may be caused by a serious tooth infection.
Your tooth is discoloured
Serious infections in a tooth’s interior can change the colour of that infected tooth. If you notice that one tooth has darkened compared to others, root canal may be required to save that tooth.
If you have persistent halitosis
If you have persistent bad breath despite brushing and flossing regularly and minimizing smoking and alcohol consumption, your bad breath may be caused by infected pulp.
Persistent tooth sensitivity
Occasional sensitivity to heat or cold is common and of minimal concern. However, infection in the pulp of a tooth can affect the nerves inside your tooth and result in increased sensitivity to heat, cold, and sweetness.
Swollen lymph nodes
Lymph nodes contain infection-fighting cells that respond to infection by killing germs carried on lymph fluid into your lymph nodes. Serious tooth infections may cause swelling in adjacent lymph nodes.
Swollen and red gums
Swollen and reddened gums may be indications of pulpitis requiring treatment through root canal therapy. Even if root canal therapy in Brandon isn’t required, those symptoms may indicate the presence of serious periodontal disease requiring some treatment.
Root canal dentists understand that people would prefer to avoid root canal therapy whenever possible. Your dentist in Brandon knows just how serious it is, though, to leave tooth infection unchecked. Root canal therapy at a dental clinic in Brandon can rescue teeth and gums from infection, and prevent you from undergoing unnecessary tooth extractions. Are you experiencing any of these symptoms of a badly infected tooth? If so, reach out to a dentist near you and ask for their help to halt and remove that infection — painlessly — before your health is compromised further.