Root Canal Therapy Near You
A root canal is a very common dental procedure, with over 15 million performed each year in Canada. In the center of the tooth is the dental pulp that contains blood vessels and nerves that nourish the tooth. Inflammation or infection of the pulp due to trauma, decay or fractures of the tooth can cause many symptoms in the tooth. These symptoms may include difficulty chewing, pain, and/ or swelling around the tooth. This can indicate that the pulp (in essence, the nerve) needs to be removed.
Similar to removal of decay (disease) and the placement of a filling, a root canal involves removal of the diseased pulp and placement of a filling within the root.
This treatment relieves the pain caused by the irritated pulp, so the tooth can function normally like a healthy tooth. The success of root canal treatment is over 90% and allows the tooth to remain in normal function for years, providing that it is properly restored on top. In most cases it is recommended that any back teeth be restored with a crown for long term serviceability.
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