TMJ and TMD Treatment Near You
TMD, or temporomandibular dysfunction, refers to abnormal function or pain involving the temporomandibular joint or the associated tissues around the joint. TMJ is the joint in your jaw that can be easily affected by disease or other health complications. Many people experience pain in this area and seek out medical treatment when it is really a dental condition that is routinely diagnosed and treated by the dentist at Chancellor Dental Group.
Do I have a TMJ disorder?
TMJ disorders can be brought on by a number of things but many include clenching the jaw, grinding the jaw, an injury or disease. All of these instances put pressure and stress on these joints causing pain, inflammation, and consequences. Ask yourself a few of these questions to discover if you possibly have a TMJ disorder:
- Do you grind or clench your teeth?
- Do you have sore or stiff muscles in the area around your jaw in the morning?
- Does the pain worsen when your teeth are clenched?
- Do you have trouble using your front teeth when biting food?
- Do you find your teeth tend to be broken, work down, loose, or sensitive?
- Does your jaw lock or “stick”?
Did you answer yes to most of these questions? You may be encountering a TMJ disorder. Contact your Brandon dentist to learn more about your personal circumstances.

There are many ways to treat TMJ syndrome. This may include something simple like taking a muscle relaxer or steroid injection to help decrease the pain. It also may include wearing a night guard, which can be provided by your Brandon dentist. These guards are designed to reduce the effects of grinding and clenching your teeth at night.
Some other ways to help treat TMJ disorders at home include:
- Exercise your jaw
- Rest your jaw
- Practice excellent posture
- Apply both ice and heat
- Eat soft foods
- Keep teeth apart when you are at rest
Working on these little tips can make all the difference in soothing and overworked jaw.
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