A Complete Guide to Root Canal Therapy

Whether we agree or not, a large percentage of individuals have neglected their dental health at some point. It may be a lack of basic oral hygiene, or the inability to visit a dentist in Brandon in over a year.

With the number of Brandon dental clinics available, individuals who make the decision to start caring for their teeth can easily book an appointment. No matter what state your teeth are in, it is guaranteed that a dentist can help you care for or improve your oral health.

Why is Root Canal Therapy Necessary?

There are a lot of restorative and preventive treatments available for patients seeking dental care. One of the most frequent restorative dental procedures is root canal treatment. Root canal therapy addresses the problems inside the tooth, which consists of the dental pulp. The purpose of this procedure is to ensure the tooth is saved and is not extracted.

Tooth extraction occurs for a couple of reasons. However, tooth loss is typically unwanted by the patient and seen as a last resort. A missing tooth should be replaced to prevent future complications. Failing to replace a tooth can cause movement between the surrounding teeth. This can affect your bite and your ability to carry out normal functions without issues such as chewing and speaking. This can also lead to pain and discomfort in the future.

If you consult with a dentist in Brandon, they will explain that the treatment only takes up to three appointments at most. The process involves the removal of the diseased pulp from the pulp chamber. After which, the root canals of the tooth are cleaned and eventually sealed with a crown placed on top to prevent further infection or bacteria from entering the tooth. Seeking guidance and treatment from a dentist at a dental clinic in Brandon can help you understand the procedure better.

What is a Root Canal?

The root canal of a tooth is a portion of the pulp cavity where the roots are located. This contains vital live pulp tissues. The nerves inside the tooth are responsible for the feeling of pain and discomfort due to the sensitivity of temperatures inside the tooth. Root canal treatment comes into play when the removal of damaged or infected tissues and nerves inside the tooth’s pulp chamber is necessary. In addition to this, an injury to the tooth may cause damage to the pulp despite any visible cracks or chips. When pulp infection or inflammation is left untreated it can cause pain and eventually lead to an abscess.

When we talk about the canal space, we are referring to the area where the nerve and pulp that surrounds and protects the nerve is located. This also includes the blood supply which is accountable for extending and delivering it to the circulatory system.

What is the Process of Root Canal Therapy?

Root canal therapy is a process that involves drilling a small access hole in the affected tooth. The pulp contains the nerve, delivery of nutrients, and blood supply. This part of the tooth is removed, and the canal is then shaped, cleaned, sterilized and filled. After this step is concluded, a filling is used to seal off the space, similar to the material used to fill a cavity or hole in the tooth. The filling will allow the tooth to function normally as if it were any other tooth. This is done to avoid further spread of infection and decay from the affected tooth to surrounding teeth, as well as, to save it and spare it from being removed or extracted.

Who is a Candidate for Root Canal Therapy?

It is important to first be assessed by a dentist in Brandon to ensure you are qualified for the procedure and that the procedure is truly the proper solution for you. When an infection is present inside, there is no cure. The bacteria will continue to spread and affect all the surrounding tissue and nerves. While some people think that medications such as antibiotics are enough to cure the infection, this is not the case, as damaged tissues are expected to swell and cut off blood supply to the affected area.

It is important to know that when a diseased tooth is left untreated it will continue to be infected and may develop abscesses that can become a detrimental health condition. While some people think that root canal treatment induces pain, this is a falsity as the procedure actually removes the source of the pain.

Losing a tooth may not pose an immediate problem at first, however, as time passes, it can affect nourishment, speech, and physical appearance and plummet one’s self-confidence. That being said, if the tooth cannot be saved and will need to be removed, there are options to choose from such as dental implants or bridges.

If you have been suffering for a long time, now is the time to reach out to a dentist in Brandon. Book an appointment to have your oral health checked today.