How Can I Make My Smile Brighter?

Did you know that a stunning and bright smile is the secret to making a good first impression? The majority of people say that a smile is an unforgettable feature. If you have stained teeth, you may feel less inclined to share your smile with others. When looking for a way to brighten your teeth, you’ll likely find countless methods of teeth whitening near you on the internet. The issue with this is that some of these methods don’t work, while others are detrimental to your oral health.

Our team of dental experts at Chancellor Dental has put together this article to help you learn how to safely achieve a brighter smile, straight from professionals. Keep reading to find out how to get the set of pearly whites you’ve always wanted!

#1 Activated Charcoal Should be Avoided

If you’ve been searching for methods of brightening your smile, you have undeniably come across the trend that is charcoal teeth whitening. This DIY trick involves using a toothbrush to rub activated charcoal onto your teeth.

While this method may brighten your teeth, it has the potential to do serious damage as well. Since activated charcoal is abrasive, it wears down at your tooth enamel, substantially weakening your teeth. For this reason, our dentist in Brandon doesn’t approve of this trendy whitening method.

#2 Limit Sugary Foods and Beverages

When you ingest anything with sugar, the bacteria in your mouth combine with this sugar to create an acidic environment that attacks your teeth and dampens your bright smile.

While almost everything you eat has some amount of sugar in it, you ideally want to avoid foods with added sugars, such as cookies, sodas, and candies.

#3 Maintain a Healthy Diet

We already know that limiting sugars is vital, but some foods can enhance the brightness of your smile.

Vegetables such as celery and cauliflower scrub your teeth as you chew and help produce saliva to neutralize the acids in your mouth. Additionally, hard cheeses will work well to scrub bacteria from your mouth.

If you have a sweet tooth, opt for fruits such as oranges and strawberries for dessert. Both of these fruits do a great job of polishing your teeth.

#4 Whitening Toothpaste Isn’t Reliable

When you visit the drugstore, you’ll notice hundreds of whitening toothpaste brands. Truthfully, many of these brands work- but only for surface stains.
Surface stains are also called extrinsic stains, and these are found on the outer surface of your teeth. These stains are produced from the ingestion of beverages such as coffee, soda, and red wine.

The majority of whitening toothpaste contains a substance known as hydrogen peroxide, which is used even in professional teeth whitening in Brandon. However, these kinds of toothpaste contain a very low concentration of peroxide, which won’t help whiten your teeth beyond the surface. So, if you have intrinsic stains, you won’t notice much difference after using the toothpaste.

#5 Visit a Dentist Near You for the Best Results

If you are interested in getting a brighter smile from the comfort of your home, you should take a trip to Chancellor Dental as your first step. Our team can provide you with take-home whitening trays that come with custom-made plastic models of your teeth and concentrated whitening gel. Unlike over-the-counter whitening products, these trays are custom designed to fit your teeth, ensuring smooth and safe results.

If you are interested in learning more about professional teeth whitening, please contact our clinic to book a consultation today!