Top 5 Common Misconceptions about Porcelain Veneers

The advances in cosmetic dentistry have brought many new procedures and techniques that improve our smiles in a matter of hours. For many years, porcelain veneers were the secret of many celebrities who benefited from this technique and completely transformed the appearance of their teeth. Thankfully, in recent years this procedure has become very common and now almost anyone can acquire porcelain veneers in Brandon. However, since this technique is fairly new, there is still a lot of misinformation surrounding it, and, in this article, you will learn about five things that are often believed about porcelain veneers but aren’t actually true.

1. Veneers are very noticeable

One of the most common misconceptions about porcelain veneers is that they are very white and noticeable. Also, many people believe that they are only placed on your front teeth, which makes them easy to differentiate from the rest of your smile. First of all, not all veneers have the same colour. When you acquire porcelain veneers near you, your dentist carefully chooses their shade so that it perfectly matches the rest of your teeth. Furthermore, veneers are normally placed on your six front teeth, which are the most visible ones, so they are hardly noticeable. Also, in some cases, they are placed on other teeth and even premolars.

2. Acquiring veneers is a painful procedure

Like with other dental procedures, it is common for people to believe that receiving porcelain veneers at a dental clinic in Brandon is a painful experience. When you undergo this procedure, your dentist will administer local anesthesia to prevent you from feeling any pain while they work on your teeth. It is normal, however, to experience some soreness in your gums a couple of hours after the procedure, once the numbness goes away. Some patients suffer severe anxiety when it comes to dental procedures, and if this is your case, your dentist can consider mild sedation to calm your nerves before the procedure. This can be administered either orally or intravenously.

3. Your teeth become damaged

In order to acquire porcelain veneers, a dentist in Brandon will have to file down the enamel on the front surface of your teeth. This is done to make room for the veneers. This process can sound a little extreme and some people think that it damages your teeth. However, it is much more conservative than other dental restoration procedures like when teeth are reshaped for a dental crown. In the case of veneers, much more dental tissue is preserved. It is true, however, that once you acquire veneers you won’t be able to remove them without replacing them since your enamel won’t grow back.

4. Veneers are only used for cosmetic purposes

While porcelain veneers do wonders for your smile’s aesthetic, this is not the only purpose they serve. This procedure is helpful for people with teeth misalignment. This dental issue increases the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and bone erosion. They also strengthen teeth that have become damaged for different reasons.

5. They require many visits to your dentist

It is very common for people to try to avoid visiting the dentist, and many believe that acquiring porcelain veneers involves infinite visits to a dental clinic. However, the process of obtaining veneers may only take one or two appointments, with an extra one to check the results and determine if there should be any adjustments made. Also, after receiving veneers, some other cosmetic dentistry procedures like teeth whitening will no longer be necessary because your teeth won’t become stained. However, this isn’t a reason to skip your regular dental checkups since it is always vital to take care of your oral health.