When to Consider Dental Implants

Having a complete set of teeth has numerous advantages. For one, it makes you look (and feel) good, leaving you with a confident smile.

It also restores the function of your teeth. You can speak without a lisp and you can chew your food properly again.

For people who have suffered tooth loss – whether the teeth were lost due to an accident or because of cavities, achieving a healthy set of teeth could mean requiring dental implants.

However, before you acquire dental implants near you, consider the following facts first.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are placed into the jawbone to fuse with your original bone through surgery. This means that the implant acts as a replacement for the missing tooth’s root. It’s artificial and simply mimics the natural tooth. When you receive an implant you will restore the function of your natural tooth you once had in the past.

And because it stands on its own, it has great stability and won’t affect the rest of the teeth nor would it be affected by any decay or cavities in adjacent teeth. This means it is there for good and is a more permanent option than any other type of tooth replacement.

Why do you need dental implants?

You might ask: why do I need dental implants? Are there other options?

As mentioned above, tooth replacement is needed so your teeth can function naturally.

There are other tooth replacement options offered by a dentist near you such as dentures or bridges. But here’s why you should opt for a dental implant instead.

Dentures are the cheapest option you have but it can get quite uncomfortable, even a huge hassle, to keep on removing and putting them back on.

Bridges were the best option before implants. However, their stability depends on the adjacent teeth.

Hence, this leaves dental implants as your best option.

When do you need to have dental implants placed?

To know when to schedule an appointment for dental implants near you, consider these factors:

1. Severe tooth decay.

When a tooth has been severely decayed, it’s time to remove the tooth and replace it with an implant.

While a dental filling could be an option when you have tooth decay, if there is too much decay, you must start considering implants.

2. Loss of an entire tooth.

You can lose an entire tooth from an accident. Sometimes, the entire tooth is avulsed, whereas other times the root(s) of the tooth might still be intact. Nonetheless, an implant is still an ideal option. While it does entail a surgical procedure, you can expect a much more permanent solution that won’t slip or slide in your mouth.

3. You no longer wear dentures or use a fixed bridge.

There are cases that a person can no longer wear dentures or fixed bridges.

The dentures may need constant fitting which is uncomfortable. Fixed bridges, on the other hand, do not only cause discomfort; they can also deteriorate the jawbone under the missing tooth.

The best option, then, for these cases is a dental implant.

4. Jawbone deterioration.

When your jawbone starts to deteriorate, your face will appear sunken.

To avoid this, speak to your dentist about dental implants near you so you can improve not only your jawbone structure but also your physical appearance.

Dental Implants in Brandon

If you’re now convinced that dental implants are for you, it’s time to schedule a consultation at a dental clinic near you. Your dentist will perform a thorough assessment of your mouth to determine if you qualify for dental implants.