Transforming Teeth With Dental Bonding

Crowns and veneers are not your only choices when it comes to transforming the appearance of healthy but flawed teeth. Don’t overlook dental bonding. Getting dental bonding in Brandon is your least invasive, quickest and most affordable option for making minor repairs to all sorts of things that detract from teeth at their most beautiful.

What can dental bonding do?

As the poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote in How Do I Love Thee?, ‘Let us count the ways’ dental bonding can transform the appearance of your teeth and appearance. Here are over half a dozen things dental bonding is useful for

  • Filling cavities
  • Repairing minor chips and cracks in your teeth
  • Covering stains and discolourations on your teeth that can’t be bleached or whitened away
  • Filling wide gaps between teeth
  • If you have teeth that appear short, dental bonding can be used to make those teeth look longer
  • Altering the shape of misshapen teeth
  • Covering portions of teeth roots exposed by periodontitis

Generally, bonding is most appropriate for minor damage and cosmetic issues, short-term corrections and making changes to teeth that are not exposed to high pressure. What are the teeth that will most benefit from dental bonding? The teeth in your “smile zone” — right in front of your jaw.

What is dental bonding?

During dental bonding, the staff at your dental clinic in Brandon applies composite resin materials to your teeth in thin layers. The composite materials are tinted to blend naturally with the colour of your teeth so that your finished teeth will not appear patchy or flawed. The resins will be hardened using a special light to cure the material. Your dentist in Brandon will then shape and polish the applied material so that it blends completely naturally with your own teeth material in terms of colour, texture and shine.

How does dental bonding happen?

Getting dental bonding near you is a two-step process. The entire process usually takes just 30 to 60 minutes per tooth.

 Dental bonding does not require significant preparation. Your dentist will show you a shade guide that contains all of the colour options for resin material. Using that guide, you and your dentist will choose the colour that will blend most naturally with your other teeth. While your dentist may offer to use an anesthetic during the bonding process, it is not normally necessary. The most common exception to this is when composite bonding is being used to fill a cavity which may involve drilling into the tooth or working near a nerve.

The bonding process consists of several stages. First, your dentist will roughen the tooth to be bonded and will apply some conditioning liquid to help the composite resins grip and adhere to your tooth. The resins (in whatever colour was selected) will be applied to your tooth or teeth manually, then smoothed out to form the necessary shape and fill any gaps, cracks or chips. After the material is hardened using a curing light or laser, your dentist will perfect the shape of your tooth by trimming the compound before polishing it to match the rest of your teeth.

Are you wondering if dental bonding is a good alternative for fixing the cosmetic flaws affecting your teeth? Find out by arranging an appointment at a dentist near you to get their advice. Even if it’s not the right option for achieving your goals, your dentist will provide alternative potential solutions.