Strategies of Preventive Dentistry

Contemporary society has given us a plethora of wonderful things including streaming services, cellphones, and effective health care treatments for nearly every type of diagnosis. But, just because we’re able to access such care when something serious happens, doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t do our best to stay healthy, so we don’t need to go to the doctor or the dentist.

Enter preventative dentistry. This field of dental care is primarily concerned with achieving and preserving good oral hygiene. Not only will this serve you well now but, in the future, too.

To learn more about preventative dentistry in Brandon, talk to a dentist near you today.

The Best Approaches to Keep Your Mouth Healthy

A defining characteristic of preventative dentistry is that it isn’t something that’s solely practiced by dental professionals. In fact, a lot of the important groundwork is done by you! And, if you actively prioritize your oral health and make a conscious effort every day to look after your teeth and gums, not only will you be left with a beautiful and functional smile you can be proud of, but you’ll make your dentist’s job much easier!

Outlined below are some great strategies you can implement to preserve your oral health.

  • Practicing good dental hygiene.

This is arguably the easiest and most effective thing you can do. Although the general rule of thumb is brushing and flossing twice a day, dentists always recommend doing so after each meal. Using mouthwash helps remove bacteria too.

  • Eating healthy.

You don’t have to completely cut out chocolate bars, candy, or fast food from your life to have a healthy smile. Just be mindful! After all, they say a balanced diet is important for a reason! Consuming fruits, veggies, dairy, carbs, protein, and yes, even some sugars, will help your teeth and gums remain in good condition just like it’ll keep the rest of your body and your mind in good shape too.

  • Attending dental cleanings.

You should come in and have your teeth cleaned by a dentist in Brandon approximately every 6 months. This helps both you and your dentist stay up to date on any potential issues that could impact your oral health.

Dental checkups and cleanings are combined into one visit and should last no more than 60 minutes.

Your dentist will assess your smile through a physical exam and by taking x-rays. Then they’ll use a scaling tool to scrape off any plaque, bacteria, and tartar from the surface of your teeth and gums. They’ll brush and floss for you, allow you to rinse, then administer the fluoride treatment.

Fluoride is crucial because this substance preserves your teeth and prevents cavities from forming. It can come as a varnish, a foamy gel, or in liquid form that you swish. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to let your dentist or dental hygienist know so they can take steps to keep you comfortable.

  • Wear a mouth guard.

If you play sports for leisure or on a more competitive level, wearing a mouth guard is something you should definitely keep in mind. They act as a cushion for your teeth and prevent both internal and external forces from causing any damage. They help preserve your tongue and lips too.

You can get a custom-made mouth guard from a dental clinic, or you can buy an over-the-counter one at a local drugstore.

  • Acquire dental sealants.

Dental sealants are very thin covers applied to the chewing surfaces of your teeth. They cover up various grooves and fissures which stop bacteria from buildup in places we can’t brush properly. This is an especially effective strategy for kids who are at a higher risk of developing cavities; however, anyone can receive dental sealants.

At Chancellor Dental, we’re here to aid you on your dental journey by providing preventative dentistry near you. Whether you’re looking to book a cleaning or need more information about at-home dental care, our staff looks forward to working with you soon! Go to our website, give us a call, or stop by our practice in person.