TMJ Disorders – Diagnosis and Treatment

Every system in our body is highly interconnected. This means that health issues don’t just affect one area of our bodies; if left untreated, such problems can arise elsewhere which may require more serious treatments in order to remedy.

This directly applies to our oral health. Our gums, teeth, bones, and facial joints work together to help us talk, laugh, eat, and drink. That’s why taking steps to address issues surrounding your jaw is so important. You don’t deserve to live with pain. For more information about TMJ and TMD treatment in Brandon, contact our local dental clinic today.

What is TMJ/TMD?

TMJ is short for temporomandibular joint; TMD stands for temporomandibular joint disorder. This is an oral and facial condition where your jaw and the muscles that connect it to your skull are not functioning properly.

Such a condition can manifest from a variety of factors including aging, arthritis, genetics, and injuries. If this is left unaddressed, bruxism (teeth grinding and clenching), difficulty chewing and swallowing, chronic pain along your jaw and around your ear, and clicking when you move your jaw and lockjaw are just a few things that can happen.

If you’re experiencing constant jaw clicking, aches, or limited range of movement, you may require treatment for TMJ and TMD. Talk to a dentist near you to learn more. They’ll be able to address any questions and concerns that you may have.

TMJ and TMD Treatment Near You

There are a few different options that you can explore when it comes to treating TMD. They are:

  • Oral devices.

TMD is often caused by jaw misalignment. An oral splint is a great way to help correct this. It’s worn at night and helps shift your jaw into a healthier position.

A mouthguard is another device to keep in mind. If you’re grinding and clenching your teeth, a mouthguard will prevent your teeth from wearing each other down and eliminate jaw pain. Mouthguards can be worn at any time.

  • Relaxation strategies.

If your jaw aches are a bit more minor, you may want to consider at-home activities such as practicing relaxation exercises. Your dentist in Brandon will be able to help you develop these techniques and show you how to practice them properly. Physical or massage therapists are other health professionals that can help you with this.

Pressing a cold pack against your jaw is another simple yet effective way that can help alleviate pain and swelling. Alternate holding a cold pack and a warm cloth against your face every five minutes or so.

  • Dental treatments.

This avenue includes non-surgical and surgical treatments.

Receiving a dental bridge, dental crowns, or even braces are three reliable methods that can restore the functionality of your smile. Orthodontics is a specialized branch of dentistry that exclusively focuses on teeth and jaw alignment. Your general dentist will be able to refer you to an orthodontist who will evaluate your mouth and let you know if traditional braces or Invisalign is the right course for you.

As for surgical options, an arthroscopy or arthrocentesis procedure may be necessary. An arthroscopy involves slipping a very small fibre-optic video camera through a tiny cut made in your joints. This allows your oral surgeon to develop a clearer picture of the extent of care that you need. Depending on the damage, they may even be able to make repairs at the same time.

An arthrocentesis is a procedure that flushes excess fluid from your joints to reduce swelling and inflammation.

Are you looking to receive TMJ and TMD treatment in Brandon? At Chancellor Dental, we believe that no one deserves to live with oral or facial pain; our staff is here to help you get your health back on track. We’ll walk you through the different treatment options and help you decide which is best for your specific case.

Call or visit our website to book an appointment today!